✆ (01604) 696113 | sales@voltlogic.co.uk
In todays current financial climate it makes complete sense to utilise and modify existing equipment.
Simply Switchgear can offer the complete solution to extend your switchboard from the initial site visit through to installing the engineered product.
If you are thinking of extending a switchboard please give us a call to discuss the best solution.
Quality Production
In production, we use high quality, strong and modular body structures according to TS 3367 EN 60439-1 standards, considering technical specifications in the project documentation.
Test & Control
Panels are tested according to the related standards and project requirements by our expert team. The results are presented to the related firm with test reports.
Delivery on Time
Orders are delivered according to the delivery dates on the agreement (contract) after material supply, production and testing processes are completed.
Read about the rest of our services here